Multimodal Digital Semiotics

The study course is primarily aimed at developing advanced and highly specialized proficiency level competences and skills of the students mastering study programmes in humanities, interdisciplinary STEM+ based, and information technology. The study course is intended to promote your awareness of various linguistic and non-linguistic semiotic systems and helps them develop a comprehensive understanding of the current trends in their change and development under the influence of digital technologies and media. Upon completion of the study course, you will:
  • advance your knowledge of various sign systems, textual interactions, conceptual relations, spatial relations, sequential relations, and syntagmatic and paradigmatic dimensions of signification;
  • develop advanced competence in creating and disseminating multimodal content via digital media;
  • establish a sound competence for the development, customization, and maintenance of digital semiotic resources.

About Instructor

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 11 Lessons
  • 30 Topics
  • 33 Quizzes